Clínica internacional de Olhão
Clínica internacional de Olhão

Protect yourself from Christmas excesses

Dec. 15, 2022

Protect yourself from Christmas excesses

The festive season invites food excesses that can lead to an increase in gastrointestinal diseases and the decompensation of some chronic diseases.
Protect yourself from Christmas excesses

It is advisable not to exaggerate in fat and patients with high blood pressure and heart failure should avoid foods with a lot of salt. If you eat different foods than usual, do not overdo it and eat only in small amounts. Also pay attention to how it is cooked: raw foods must be prepared separately from those that are already cooked to avoid contamination from any bacteria that may be present in raw foods. Don't forget to store leftover food in the cold and if you have to thaw some food, do it in the fridge.


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